Selasa, 07 Desember 2010


Overboard - justin bieber and jessica jarell (Jessica) It feels like were been out at sea, so back and forth thats how its seems, and when i want to talk you say to me, that if its meant to be it will be.
# so crazy in this thing we call love, that love that we got that we just cant give up, im rechhng out for you, tell me out here in the water and l.
## Im overboard, and i need your love, pull me up, i cant swim on my own, its to much, feels like im drowing, without your love, so throw yourself out to me, my life sever life sever oo life sever.
(Justin) never understand you say, wanting me to met you half way, felt like i was doing my part, get bring you coming up short, funny how these thing chage, cause i see.
Its supposed to be some give and take i know, your only talking and not given any more, so what will i do? Cause i still love you, youre the only one who can save me

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

i believe

- Tuhan
- Hidup saya lebih beruntung dr MANY PEOPLE
- Indonesia negara wonderful
- Hantu itu ada
- Kebaikan akan dibalas kebaikan
- Dunia indah jika kita indahkan
- Permen ga bikin gigi bolong
- Sekolah itu menyenangkan
- Setiap hari saya dehidrasi
- Saya pintar (?) *amin
- High hills adalah musibah!
- Fanboy and chumchun lawak
- Gue masih cinta dia aww
- Orang baik itu banyak dilingkunganku *alhamdulillah
- hape biasa bisa eksis kok :b
- Bosan bermanfaat banyak
- Idola adalah kenyataan baik bukan buruk
- Dewa cinta saya belum datang -_-'
- Jerawat itu hiasan wajah so fortunately (?)
- Kita akan hidup seimbang dengan perbuatan kita
- Hitam dan putih bukan warna
- Twitter amazing!
- Banyak jalan ga bikin betis gede
- Pepaya bau
- Berenang bukan hobi, bakat apalagi kebiasaan, hate it!
- Rata-rata bule sombong
- Yang baca ini pasti sukses amin!

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

marmut merah jambu

Penulis: Raditya Dika
Tebal: vi + 222 halaman
Ukuran: 13 X 20  cm
ISBN: 602-8066-64-8
Harga: Rp 39.500,-

Marmut Merah Jambu adalah kumpulan tulisan komedi Raditya Dika. Sebagian besar dari tiga belas tulisan ngawur di dalamnya adalah pengalaman dan observasi Raditya dalam menjalani hal paling absurd di dunia:jatuh cinta.

Pengen beli ga punya uang -,- ngumpulin dulu deh (nasib pelajar yang libur panjang) padahal udah penasaran waaaa~

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

The Karate Kid Movie

Yeaah, ini film asal amerika serikat yang diremix. Awalnya itu tayang diamerika tahun 1984 dan yang remix baru akan tayang dicina tanggal 11 juni 2010. Di indonesia udh tayang kok. Yang paling mengejutkan (bahasa gu alalala) apakah Jaden Smith bisa kungfu? haha bisa ajalah karena bapanya kan actor internsional yaitu Will Smith, skip. Disini Jaden berperan sebagai Dre Parker, dan disini dia harus meninggalkan kehidupannya diDetroit untuk pengembangan karir ibunya (Taraji P senson) ke Cina. Di lingungan itu dia banyak diperlakukan tidak wajar, karena warna kulit yang berbeda dengan kebanyakan anak - anak di Cina. Hidup Dre semakin parah ketika ia bertemu Mei Ying (Han Wen Wen). Well, itu menyebalkan.

Nah, hidupnya began to shine pas ditolong sama Mr. Han (Jackie Chan). Dan dia belajar kungfu dari Mr. Han. endingnya, Dre musti ngebuktiin kemampuannya dan menunjukkan ke teman-temannya kalo dia itu bukan yang dulu, anak yang terus lari dari kehidupan!! Mungkin banyak pesan moral sama motifasi hidup (belom nonton sih gue). Oiya sountrack film ini ada Justin Bieber dengan "Never Say Never" apa lagi? gue ngga tau, carii sendiri deh..

nih trailernya..

udah jam 02:26 omaigatt brb tidur..

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

never say never

Never say never (never never never)
Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up
Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up
Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up
Pick it up, pick, pick, pick it up

You see I never thought that I could walk through fire
I never thought that I could take a burn
I never had the strength to take it higher
Until I reached the point of no return

And there's just no turnin back
When your heart's under attack
Gonna give everything I have
It's my destiny

I will never say never (I will fight)
I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never (ne-never say never x3)

I never thought that I could feel this power
I never thought that I could feel this free
I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower
And I'm fast enough to run across the sea

Cuz there's just no turnin back
When your heart's under attack
Gonna give everything I have
Cuz this is my destiny

I will never say never (I will fight)
I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never

Here we go
Guess who
J Smith and JB
uh huh
I got you lil' bro
I can handle him
Hold up, I, I can handle him
Now he's bigger than me, taller than me
And he's older than me, and stronger than me
And his arms are little bit longer than me
But it ain't on a JB song with me
I be tryna chill
They be tryna side with the thrill
No pun intended was raised by the power of will
Like Luke with the force if push comes to shove
Like Kobe with the fourth, ice water with blood (Let's go!)
I gotta be the best
And yes we're the flyest
Like David and Goliath
I conquered the giant
So now I got the world in my hand
I was born from two stars
So the moon's where I land

I will never say never (I will fight)
I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never

Never say never

I will never say never (never say never)
I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never (ne-never say never, never say it x3)
And never say never (ne-never say never x3)
And never say never


Karena masih baru wajar aja ya kalo narak, kampungan atau apalah itu. Alasan bikin blog penasaran sih, telat juga sih bagu penasaran sekarang. Yaudah ya pengen edit - edit lagi.

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