Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012


I'm the type who can't play feeling. I see all the good person will still look good. All visible bad will remain bad. But not everyone be themselves. They are will change, may also want something. But weird.. I'll know someone who is sincere, however not to me. I'll keep hoping that I think is good they will stay that way. And those who are in bad will I see them with sincerity. I do not want what I think is good they will look better than they are bad, but they have a sincerity. We live in beauty.But I would choose who are in sincerity, more than perfect to me. ############### 05-05-2012 20:53

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012


Some people assume's that the signature is not to be underestimated. I am one of those who think like that. I just want to be successful with this signature :)

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

End Month Of 2011

Banyak banget cerita yang gue punya. Well.. Itu karna gue ga pernah posting.

Firts story!
Ceritanya 21oct gue ultah wee. Banyak yang ucapin wee. Ceritanya lagi gue dikerjain dikelas woo.
Gini.. Sekejap mata saja hape gue ilang. Inget bangetttt gue taro meja. Sekejap mata memandang hape pengganti hape gue dulu yang ilang ga ada dimeja, artinya? ILANG? Ilang lagi? Sekejap mata memandang frustasi, nangis. Sekejap mata memandang bu.Angga suruh gue ngerjain pr dipapan tanpa liat buku yang barusan aja kelar gue contek. MATI. Well.. Mereka mungkin bahagia bgt pas pertama kali liat gue nangis bocah. Jirr but i lov y ♥

Second story :)
Semenjak gue jadi pengguna blogger, semenjak itulah gue pengen buat ini blog jadi "Fashion Blogger" weee. That's not outdated! that is a new challenge!

3rd story :)
Semenjak gue SD gue emang pengen jadi atlit. Semenjak SEAGAMES yea lo tau lah gue pengen jadi apa.

4th story?
Masa depan.

Gue merasa sangat gagal menjadi anak yg bisa dibanggain. Yah, ga usah mikir terlalu jauh res.. Tujuan lo cuma satu "DO THE BEST" "DO WHAT U DOING LIKE U DEAD TOMORROW"


Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Just Saying

Justin Bieber is my idol. thank you on the best thinking, and inspiring show.

I know, so many people loves you. Do you understand how lucky you are? Well you really know. I'm not you, has it all, i mean your spirit. I just think to do good things, not doing the best. Maybe after this I will say again "Best" but in true world, I'm so easy be forgeted.

I just want to be you. Being someone who never feel lonely. Become what you want. I never know what luck you get. But look, you have awesome! I don't want to on stage for working my hobby, not a lot of fans and i would't want to be famous. I just want to be a lucky girl haha it was funny, I just want to be people who go work hard, well that's what you'll say! : P

I not much understand what I'm going later, but I believe, I'll be the best than i get my best. This simple but from where I get support? I'm just an ordinary girl who had a few friends, and they are my friends. Well Im just can show you this through the work. I can't give it to everyone, really disappointed.

Thanks stangers was made laptops and thank you also for the keyboard. thanks for making me do this. Thanks God for Amazing world.

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011


Sudah 12 bulan merasakan menjadi anak SMA. Seneng! Tapi.. Lama-lama engga. Ternyata yang orang bilang "Semakin dewasa anda, semakin berat tingkat masalah" itu lebih dari tepat! Ga ga ga kuat deh. Masalah kecil aja sakit hatinya sampe kapan tau. Kalo jaman SD marahan besok juga jongkrok"an lagi. Jatohin jajanan ge entar juga jajanan barunya kita mkn bareng. Semua selesai dengan cepatnya. Dan sekarang gue hampir ga pernah merasakan itu lagi. Semua yang simple be lost!! Mencoba berfikir sesimple mungkin aja ga bisa karena ini ga akan pernah simple. Tapi guega pernah ngelewatin kamus hiduo gue "Positive thinking to our body in da world" And keep praying. Cuma itu yang gue bisa.

I miss my child life. Just sincerity and honesty
that I need right now.

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

'Bout Holiday

Stay home.............. Liburan kali ini basi abis. Ga punya pulsa, ga punya uang, ga punya PACAR, ga punya malu (?) Cuma selama ga punya pulsa ngerasa nyaman sih, ga punya kegiatan wasting time, semuanya lumayan bermanfaat dikit, dibanding online dan smsan. Kalo ga punya uang mah udah bisa anak gaul mah (?). Kalo ga punya pacar mah prinsip kan single :P

Hobi pas liburan itu main PS, lumayan lah kalo tiap hari bisa noh ngalahin kaka gue. Selebihnya baca komik, DVDan, ngeTVan, dan ngeBABUan. Mmmmm... iya ngapain gue belajar, kan udah pinter.

Suka kangen sama sekolahan sama si.ex juga kwkw. Walaupun kadang lebih ngerasa asing disana, yah tau sendirilah, gue kan ga suka keramaian dan kesepian. Kangen berisikan kalo dirumah apaan yang gue berisikin? Bantal? Emang repot kalo lagi sepi gini, ga lawak, ga ketawa binasa dan tau malu.

Sekian random holidaynya, ga ada yang spesial, cuma paling gue naik level main Psnya. Terus makin turun leven IQnya. Terus lagi makin jago ngehayalnya.

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